Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Alumi Sharing Session

On 22nd March of 2017, the IEM UNMC Student Section has organised an industrial talk by Looi Yih Foo , First Class Master degree in Chemical Engineering on
"How pursuing a Masters degree has value-added to his employability and knowledge base" .

The details of the event are as follows:
Date: 22nd March 2017
Time: 5pm
Venue: F1A02

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Power Memory

Power Memory event is organize by IEM UNMC Student Section to equip participants with skills and technique that improve memories.

Date : 9 March 2017
Time : 7pm-10pm
Venue : F1A03
Speaker : Lim Yu Jun (President IEM UNMC 2015/2017)

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Engineering Wipeout

 Engineering Wipeout held by the IEM UNMC Student Section Apprentice at 1st March.
7 teams of participants had been through few stages of different challenges that required logical thinking and practical skills, from Einstein's Riddles, Archimedes Stomachache to dissembling a shaver into pieces.

Date : 1 March 2017
Time : 7.30pm - 10.00pm
Venue : F1A04

Games :

  1. Einstein's Riddles
  2. Archimedes Stomachache 
  3.  dissembling and assemble a shaver
  4. Unscrew, then screw 
  5.  Balancing egg 
  6. Just built it 
  7. Let the ball roll