Tuesday, 9 December 2014

A bed of GLOVEs

Tuesday, 21st October 2014
Industrial Visit – Top Glove, Klang, Selangor
A bed of GLOVEs

Hands upon hands upon hands were all that one remembers when a trip to Top Glove, the world's largest rubber glove manufacturer, was organized by UNMC’s IEM Student Section on a bright Tuesday morning. Before diving into the world of ‘hands’, the first step was gaining knowledge on the company in which a presentation was kindly given on its legacy. This visual tour from a modest start up to being an international powerhouse and Malaysia’s pride in the span of 23 years was something that made the visit more engaging. The process of manufacturing was also being described by another senior engineer of the company before going for the ground tour. After being equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE), the anticipated exploration of ‘Handland’ begun. In this integrated plant, one of the interesting event was the chance to witness quality control at work where experienced workers manually and skillfully segregated gloves according to standards, operating almost, or even better than machines themselves. Another thought-provoking point throughout this visit is the environment of the plant. The area was hot and noisy due to the heat generated from the processes and mechanical workings of the machinery. This gave a different perspective to fellow aspiring engineers that life is not a bed of roses and that hard work must be put in. After the educational ride, students were served with light refreshments and a Q&A session was conducted before ending the journey with a token of appreciation and a picture for commemoration. 

14th October 2014 Industrial Visit Experience in a NutSHELL

Tuesday, 14th October 2014
Industrial Visit – Shell Refinery, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan

Experience in a NutSHELL

“SAFETY FIRST,” was the first lesson our future engineers learnt when IEM Student Section was given the opportunity for an industrial visit to Shell Refinery, Port Dickson on the 14th of October 2014 (Tuesday). The day started with a well-defined briefing on safety and Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) guidelines at the plant, which was further accompanied by an exhibition that left a deep impression on the importance of safety. Next on was the exciting part, where young engineers get a tour around to witness firsthand the refinery coming to life, together with the company’s engineers that helped to make sense of the processes as well as satisfy any curiosities. Thereafter, an informative career talk session on the application processes and insight on the benefits of becoming part of the company was conducted by the recruitment team. This left hopefuls excited and many to have broaden their view. Finally, to enhance and conclude the industrial visit, lunch was spiced up when employees joined in. Participants were given a window of opportunity to network and gain details on the personal working experience by these seniors during this interactive session which left many bringing home something more, something valuable.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Instituition of Engineers Malysia Upcoming Events.

Here are the link for the upcoming events in The Instituition of Engineers Malaysia (IEM). 

All you need to do is just select the topic you are interested in. =)

Do check it in the links below~~!!!

IEM Upcoming Events.

Monday, 12 May 2014


A charity event was organized by the UNMC-IEM Student Chapter on the 26th April 2014 at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus. About 40 children from Desa Amal Jireh (Semenyih) and Openhands (Kajang) were invited to the campus and the main objective of this event was to promote engineering to the children through fun activities and games. Welcoming speech was given by Jordan Chia (President, UNMC-IEM) and followed by Dr Hii Ching Lik (Advisor). The children were divided into groups and each group was given six tasks that need to be carried out in 2 hours. Activities carried out were such as spaghetti tower, paper aircraft design, egg drop test, floating ship test, lava lamp and engineering quiz. Engr. Vivekasugha (Honorary secretary, IEM Young Engineer Division) was invited to present the prizes to the children during the closing ceremony.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Industrial Visit: Shell Refinery, Port Dickson

On Wednesday, 26th February 2014, UNMC IEM Student Chapter was given the privilege to conduct an industrial visit to Shell Refinery, Port Dickson. The objective of this half day tour was to render participants with a better insight into Shell’s working routine and recruitment procedure. The day began with a tour inside the refinery with commentary delivered by accompanying young engineers. Thereafter, a career talk session was conducted by the recruitment team, providing enthusiasts with successful application tips and a clear understanding of the application process. Highlight of the day emerged as the interactive session with the engineers under Shell’s Graduate Programme. Participants had the opportunity to dine with these graduates to gain extended first-hand information pertaining to their working lifestyle in Shell. 

Group Photo for the visit

Career talk given by Shell Recruitment Team

Lunch session with Shell Engineer

Presenting memento (From UNMC IEM)